"As more and more terrestrial and marine regions come under protected area status, the idea of community-based conservation becomes increasingly interesting. How do IUCN protected area categories V and VI work with people in them? Can Indigenous and Community-conserved Areas (ICCAs) contribute to conservation? How does community stewardship work? There are limits to the numbers and total area of protected areas (PAs) that can be established. At the same time, there is a need to move from the notion of human-free “islands” of conservation to one in which humans co-exist with the natural world. Community-based conservation is part of this effort to restore stewardship traditions and build new ones". https://www.iucn.org/news/commission-environmental-economic-and-social-policy/202105/community-based-conservation
Resources for Local communities
Local communities play a critical role in the protection of natural resources and this section of the Resources Hub intends to provide resources and best practice examples for conservation by communities.
People not Poaching (PnP)
People not Poaching (PnP) is an online learning platform that aims to support community-based approaches to tackling illegal wildlife trade (IWT). With contributions from practitioners and communities, it aims to build a global evidence base to create awareness, promote knowledge-sharing and develop best practice about community approaches to reducing poaching. The platform documents different approaches – to understand what does and doesn’t work, and why -, brings together useful resources, and provides updates on key events and policy developments relevant to community approaches to tackle IWT.
Browse examples (link: https://www.peoplenotpoaching.org/explore): PnP has more than 100 case studies focusing on over 150 different species.
Contribute (link: https://www.peoplenotpoaching.org/contribute): If you would like to contribute a case study on an initiative that engages communities in tackling IWT, please head to the contribute page or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
PnP is part of a project ‘Learning and Action for Community Engagement against IWT’ led by the International Institute for Environment and Development and funded by the UK Government’s Illegal Wildlife Trade Challenge Fund.