Protected Areas


 Areas Protected


Terrestrial and Inland Water



Area protected, as per WDPA

Area protected, as per country reports

Coastal and Marine Coverage

Not Applicable

Area protected or conserved,
as per WDPA

Key species

South Sudan has a wide range of habitats supporting a rich diversity of animals and plants. It is home to one of the great migrations in the world – the white-eared kob (Kobus kob leucotis), tiang (Damaliscus lunatus tiang), Mongalla gazelle (Eudorcas albonotata), and bohor reedbuck (Redunca redunca). The country is a stronghold for the endangered shoebill (Balaeniceps rex) and the black-crowned crane (Balearica pavonina). South Sudan also has many species of reptiles, freshwater fish and plants, including many endemic species.

Pressures and Threats

Direct threats to biodiversity in South Sudan include: wildlife poaching and trafficking; deforestation from charcoal production and illegal logging of hardwoods; expansion of livestock and agriculture; habitat fragmentation, including from extractive industries; human-wildlife conflict; and impacts of climate change, including increasing desertification and changing growing seasons.

South Sudan has 27 protected areas covering 98,214 km2 of the land (UNEP-WCMC & IUCN, 2019t). Several areas have been proposed for gazettement as protected areas, which would help exceed the Aichi Target 11. Despite having a large protected area coverage, there is lack of active or adequate management in most of the protected areas. 

Protected and conserved areas designated as global sites of importance

Global designation

Number of sites

UNESCO Man and Biosphere Reserves


UNESCO World Heritage Sites (Natural or Mixed)


Wetlands of International Importance (Ramsar sites)


 Source ((Ramsar, 2019; UNESCO, 2019a, 2019b)


Priority areas for conservation


Number of sites

Alliance for Zero Extinction sites


Important Bird & Biodiversity Areas


Key Biodiversity Areas


 (AZE Secretariat, 2019; BirdLife International, 2019c, 2019a)

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