What is IMET?

The Integrated Management Effectiveness Tool (IMET) is an approach to support protected areas planning, monitoring and evaluation and to improve management and conservation outcomes. IMET is supported by a computer-based application that collects, organizes and analyses data to facilitate informed decision-making for protected/conserved area management, operations and planning. Find more information and download the IMET tool here.


Where is IMET being implemented?

IMET is a relatively new tool in the Eastern and Southern African region and compliments existing tools already in use, such as the METT and the Enhancing our Heritage (EoH) toolkit. Currently, there are a few sites in this region conducting IMET assessments, and you can add your planned or ongoing IMET assessment here. Completed IMET assessment should also be reported to the Global Database on Protected Area Management Effectiveness (GD-PAME) managed by UNEP-WCMC, so that they can be taken into account in global PAME monitoring and reporting exercises.


How can I compare my IMET results to the results from other PAME tools?

To ensure comparable information on management effectiveness, a PAME Analysis Report template has been developed that can be used for any of the PAME tools. The analysis report collates the outcomes and information outputs of a PAME analysis and provides summary information on the key actions required in that site to improve effectiveness. This report can be made available through the RRIS and thus allows donors and other partners to engage pro-actively with the management authority to support implementation of priority actions.


Who can help with implementing IMET?

IMET Coaches are individuals who can assist area managers and protected/conserved area management authorities to plan and implement an IMET assessment for a site. They understand the IMET process and can advise on this process as well as help to facilitate discussions during the data gathering and analysis phase, if this is needed. Link to COMIT

There is a growing community of practice of English and Portuguese-speaking IMET Coaches in the Eastern and Southern African region. If you need support in the use of IMET in your protected/conserved area, please get in touch with this community to discuss what support you may need and potentially make use of the IMET Coaches in this community.

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