The State of Protected and Conserved Areas report makes a significant contribution to assessing the current status of the many factors that contribute to successful systems of protected and conserved areas. It examines the progress that has been achieved towards meeting national and global goals, and measures this against credible standards for effectiveness, such as the IUCN Green List of Protected and Conserved Area Standard, that sets the bar for what is meant by effective and equitable systems of protected and conserved areas. It also provides a diagnosis of what is missing, where the gaps are, and how to address these through targeted capacity development.

What is it

This is the first report that brings together information on protected and conserved areas for the whole Eastern and Southern Africa region. It is a baseline report, which presents currently available data and information. Where possible, novel analyses have been undertaken and case studies and text boxes have been included to add to the baseline information.

The report is supplemented by a number of other analyses undertaken through the BIOPAMA programme, which are also available as separate publications. The report consists of twelve chapters, with the overall theme of the report being to focus on protected and conserved area governance, equity and management effectiveness.

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State of Protected and Conserved Areas in Eastern and Southern Africa Report I


About the Report

This report provides an overview of the status of protected and conserved areas in the ESA region, with special reference to Protected Area Governance and Equity (PAGE) and Protected Area Management Effectiveness (PAME), and the related assessment tools;

  • Part I - Sets the scene and outlines the conceptual and international framework
  • Part II - Provides Regional policies and statistics and national statistics for all 24 countries
  • Part III - Reviews governance, management effectiveness and innovation
  • Part IV - Includes recommendations for policy and practice based on the findings in the report
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