capacity_buildingWe develop the capacity of stakeholders on protected and conserved area management effectiveness, governance, equity and data management. Most of the training opportunities are offered at Regional Level and the dates are announced at the Upcoming Events Section

The Regional Resource Hub aims at developing the capacity of key stakeholders to make effective use of the services and tools provided by ESA HUB. One of the main objectives is to build the capacity of countries to make effective use of the Reference Information Systems, to report regularly to international conventions and agreements, such as the Convention on the Biological Diversity (CBD) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) calls on initiatives to align capacity-building so as to further support implementation of national action plans for protected areas, and to continue to develop technical guidance to achieve the full scope of Aichi Biodiversity Target 11 (CBD COP 11 Decision XI/24).

The Vision

"The vision of the Regional Resource Hub is to be a leading resource centre that supports (local, national and regional) effective decision making and governance on protected areas and biodiversity and their link to sustainable development objectives."

What RRH offers

Regional Reference Information System
The ESA HUB has a regional reference information system that is free, secure and built using open source technologies. It hosts a broad range of data that can be stored and used, such as field data, indicators, satellite imagery, maps, photos, surveys and documents.

Knowledge Products
The ESA HUB provide information and knowledge products that allow conservation actors, donors and decision makers to access the most updated and comprehensive information on protected areas and natural resources management at regional, national and site levels.

Capacity Building
We develop the capacity of stakeholders on protected and conserved area management effectiveness, governance, equity and data management. Most of the training opportunities are offered at Regional Level and the dates are announced at the Upcoming Events section.

RRH in Numbers

Countries Covered
Regional Economic Communities
Trained People

Stakeholder Map

EU - European Union
OACPS - Organisation of African, Caribbean and Pacific States
IUCN - International Union for Conservation of Nature
JRC - Joint Research Centre of the European Commission
WCMC - World Conservation Monitoring Center

EAC - East African Community
SADC - Southern African Development Community
IOC - Indian Ocean Commission
IGAD - Intergovernmental Authority on Development
RCMRD - Regional Centre For Mapping Of Resources For Development

Intervention Area

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